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Cushing Chamber Tomorrow's Leaders Logo


2023 Tomorrow's leaders class
Tyson Branyan with 2023 TL Class
TL Team Building Session with John Talley
Business Panel Discussion Session

A Community Leadership Development Program for High School Juniors
Hosted by Cushing Chamber of Commerce


TOMORROW'S LEADERS is designed to instill a sense of community pride in participants through experiencing the various elements that interact to form a strong & dynamic Cushing.  The program has four specific objectives:

* Motivate potential leaders
* Acquaint participants with community needs, opportunities, and resources. * Provide participants with opportunities for interaction with community leaders and decision makers.
* Equip participants with various leadership skills.

About the Program:

SESSION I:  Oct. 1 - 6 pm - 7 pm/7:30 pm:  CHS Game Room - Alton Carter Speaker/Author, "The Boy Who Carried Bricks"
SESSION II:  9 am - 2 pm -  Valley Hope Tour; City of Cushing Infrastructure Tour; Lunch with a Business Panel; Financial Literacy with Russell Moyer & Brian Porter
Lunch sponsored by Steer Inn Restaurant
SESSION III: 9 am - 11:30 am (Junior Class) 12:30 pm (TL students):  FCA & OSU Athletes team building session with Junior Class & TL students as leaders of groups
SESSION IV:  7:30 am - 3 pm/3:30 pm:  OKC bombing memorial & museum- 9 am - 11:15 am - OK Capitol w/Rep. John Talley & pizza lunch at capitol - 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - professional pics w/Rep. John Talley on House Floor - Climb the OK Capitol dome - going back to Cushing by 1:30 pm/1:45 pm, back home by 3/3:30 pm

Requirements for participation:

The Tomorrow's Leaders Committee will accept applications from High School Sophomore students that will be Juniors during the 2024-2025 school year that meet the following requirements:
* Leadership Potential
* Commitment to attend the entire program * Completion of a formal application

How to Apply:

Applications for the Tomorrow’s Leaders Program will be distributed following a Special Sophomore Assembly in March of every year. Sophomore students may apply through the link in the bulletin, or by picking up an application at the special assembly. Applications must be submitted to Mrs. Puls in her classroom by a specific date given in April. Any applications NOT signed by the applicant AND parent, then submitted after 3:30 p.m. will not be accepted.


There is no tuition fee for student applicants.  All costs for the Tomorrow’s Leaders program including meals, speaker costs, Tomorrow's Leaders tshirts for all participants that are chosen, Tomorrow's Leaders leather-bound notebooks for session notes, and session materials are provided by the Cushing Chamber of Commerce and their Member Partner Business Sponsors.

Areas Addressed: 


* Leadership Skills (including communication skills, motivation,  presentation skills, etc.)

* Team Building

* Local business climate/community - Financial Literacy

* Community involvement and future involvement.

Position Statement:

The Cushing Chamber of Commerce established a leadership program for High School sophomore students from the Cushing area in the early 80's.   This program is based on the model of Leadership Cushing, the Cushing Chamber Adult Professionals Leadership Program, but structured to meet the needs of today’s youth.  The program consists of a series of issue-oriented sessions.  The sessions will emphasize that truly effective leadership requires knowledge, motivation, concern for others, and strong moral character.   It is the goal of this program to provide information, guidance, challenge, and honor to future community leaders.  Participants will be selected on the basis of past performance in school, essay answers,  and through other community and student activities.

Committee Members for 2024-2025 are:

*Alanna Grigg, Central Tech - Chair 
*Nancy Overton, Central Tech
*Julie Puls-Cushing High School-English Language Arts
*Mandy Theimer-Cushing High School-Counselor
*Carrie Gilbert-Blue Sky Bank
*Brian Porter - Blue Sky Bank
*Tracy Caulfield, IOM, Cushing Chamber

Cushing Chamber Member Partners are strongly encouraged to get involved with the Tomorrow's Leaders Committee.  Any Member Partner Business owner and/or staff may join the committee.
Committee members take turns attending the Tomorrow's Leaders Sessions, meeting with the student participants and helping where needed.  The committee also plans all sessions and helps with sponsorship asks to other Cushing Chamber Member Partner businesses.


Sponsorships for the 2024 - 2025 Tomorrow's Leaders Program are now available.  Some Sponsorship levels include 5 - 10 minutes before a session to present to the Tomorrow's Leaders student participants and we encourage sponsor businesses to present to the student participants if their business has a scholarship or other youth program; if the business is geared towards items/products/involvement that the participants need to know about; etc.

To register for a sponsorship and support the Cushing Chamber Tomorrow's Leaders Program, please click here:




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