2025 30th Annual Cushing, OK Pipeline Crossroads Festival
Pipeline Appreciation/ Oil & Gas Vendor Trade Show Private Event
Participating Pipeline Companies:

30TH ANNUAL CUSHING, OK PIPELINE CROSSROADS FESTIVAL (Formerly BBQ N Blues) Pipeline Appreciation/Oil & Gas Vendor Industry Trade Show Festival For 2025, changes have been made. Last Year, the name of our festival was changed to "Cushing, OK Pipeline Crossroads Festival". The Golf Tournament will be Wednesday, June 11 & Thursday, June 12, and will have 4 rounds with 120 teams spread through those 4 rounds in two days. The Clay Shoot Tournament will be Wednesday, June 11, 2025 with 72 team slots available. The Friday night has been deleted; instead, for 2025, the participating Pipeline Companies have asked to do After Hours Mixer Networking Nights on Wednesday and Thursday nights at Buffalo Rock Golf & Venue. Oil & Gas Vendors are welcome to sponsor a booth outside the clubhouse during the Golf Tournament and/or during the After Hour Mixer Nights. Oil & Gas Vendors can choose to do day and/or night, or both days and/or nights to have their 10 x 10 booth space. If you are a Pipeline or Oil & Gas Vendor company and want to participate, please call the Cushing Chamber at 918-225-2400. For 30 years, the Cushing Chamber has been celebrating our local Pipeline Companies with our BBQ N Blues Festival. In the beginning, we hosted a Private Party on Friday Night for participating Pipeline Companies, where their employees and their families came together for food, fun, and music; like a Company Picnic. Throughout Friday night, the Pipeline Companies were also busy smoking brisket to serve to the public during the main portion of the Festival on Saturday. This was done on the World’s Largest Permanent Smoker, and each Company attached a custom smoker box to one of the Fifteen arms that extend from the Permanent Smoker. Saturday was a fun day of learning more about our local Pipeline Companies, full of Blues music, BBQ, rides and Attractions. The Participating Pipeline Companies also had a Kansas City BBQ Society Cook-off and a People's Choice Contest. The Participating Pipeline Companies’ Corporates and customers fly in from all over the World to participate and get to know our community a bit better. However, since 2020 due to Covid, the Saturday Public Portion has been discontinued, and so has the Friday Night Private Party. Over the years, this Festival has evolved from a 3 day festival into a 2-day Festival for the participating Pipeline Companies, with a Golf Tournament during the second week in June on that Wednesday and Thursday, Clay Shoot Tournament on Wednesday, After Hour Mixers to network and Oil & Gas Vendors are able to have a 10 x 10 booth space for marketing their company at the Golf Tournament both days and/or during the After Hour Mixers on Wednesday and Thursday nights. In the last 15 or so years, Oil and Gas supplier businesses have been invited to join in on the Wednesday & Thursday events and make some business happen while doing it. Oil & Gas Vendors sponsor different events of the 2-day Festival, whether in the Golf Tournament, Clay Shoot Tournament, and/or Friday Night Private Party Trade Show. There are also extra Marketing opportunities for sponsors during any of the events. |
From some of the Oil & Gas Vendor sponsorships, the profits after all Festival bills are paid, are split 50/50 with the Pipeline Crossroads of the World Scholarship program and the Cushing Chamber. Every year we award up to 14 - $2,500 scholarships to participating Pipeline Company employee children that are Seniors in High School that will be attending Trade School or College in the Fall of that year. This includes their region. Any profit left over is put into a CD for future scholarships. The Chamber puts theirs back into the business Community and our local economy, which in turn makes our community of Cushing, OK a better place to Live, Work, and Play.
Definition of a "Participating Pipeline Company"
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion around this phrase. What does that mean, "Participating Pipeline Company", that is used in association with this Festival? Participating Pipeline companies are "All In", which means that they help from the start of the festival to the very end; they are involved and committed to every event associated with the festival, such as placing many teams in the tournaments; participating in the BBQ contests on Friday night as well as having their company picnic during Friday night; they volunteer at the Tournaments; make sure that the Friday night land is ready for the event by paying for gravel, mowing, etc.; and much more. They guarantee their participation and support. They each have a representative on our Cushing Chamber BBQ N Blues Committee with our Member Oil & Gas Vendor businesses who are BBQ N Blues sponsors and the participating Pipeline companies are the only ones that are allowed to vote for anything that is associated with the Festival, such as any changes to sponsorship costs, team costs, etc.; adding or taking away certain parts of the festival; etc. The festival is for them and by them, the participating Pipeline Companies. These companies are also the ones that qualify for the Pipeline Crossroads scholarship program and we will always have our "Participating Pipeline Company" logos at the top of our Website page for this festival to help distinguish who is "all in" and our biggest supporters of this Festival. We appreciate them very much and there's not enough thank you's in the World that we have for them; they are what makes this Festival happen and we are forever grateful and indebted to them. We are also very grateful for other Pipeline companies that participate in the Tournaments, not to take anything from them, of course! We love having their involvement, too! It's these different levels of participation that makes our BBQ N Blues Pipeline appreciation/Oil & Gas Vendor Trade Show Festival so unique and special!

Matrix Services
Badger Daylighting
Universal Surveying and Mapping
Enduro Pipeline Services
Optimal Pipeline Solutions
Continental Concrete
Sunbelt Actuation
Basin Environmental & Safety Technologies
25/8 Safety
Apex Instruments
Weamco, Inc.
Firetrol Protection Services, Inc.
Strike Operating, LLC
BBQ N Blues Pipeline Appreciation/Oil & Gas Supplier Golf Tournament The Golf Tournament has grown into the largest Golf Tournament in Oklahoma per player, unofficially, because it is not a “sanctioned” Golf Tournament. But, this "Stat" has been verified by Golfer Oklahoma Today Magazine. It is always the second week in June, during that week's Wednesday and Thursday. There are 120 teams spread over 4 Rounds total: two (2) rounds on Wednesday, and two (2) rounds on Thursday. Oil & Gas Vendor businesses are Hole Sponsors, setting up at each of the 18 Holes with beverages, food, swag, and fun. The Tournament is another way we celebrate and thank our local participating Pipeline Companies, with the majority of the teams composed of Pipeline Employees from the local terminals to their Corporate Execs, as well as their customers, that have flown in just for this 2-day Festival. Oil & Gas Vendor businesses also have teams in the tournament. You never know who you will run into or meet while enjoying this amazing Golf Tournament! Terms and Conditions: Hole Sponsorships roll over every year, until a participating Oil & Gas Vendor business Hole Sponsor tells the Cushing Chamber they no longer want the Hole sponsorship. Then, the Hole sponsorship opens up to our waiting list. Waiting list starts anew every year when we open up Pipeline Crossroads sponsorships in late February/early March. Our Cushing Chamber member Oil & Gas Vendor businesses on the waiting list are given first rights to claim the Hole Sponsorship; if none of our Members want it, then it opens up to Non-Member Oil & Gas Vendor businesses on the waiting list. For team placement in the Tournament, after the participating Pipeline Companies have entered their teams in the tournaments for 2 weeks, our Chamber member Oil & Gas vendor sponsors have a chance to place teams into the Tournament for two weeks. Any team slots available in the rounds after their four weeks are then opened to non-member participating Oil & Gas Supplier sponsors. Pipeline companies not listed as a "Participating" Pipeline Company and Oil & Gas Vendor businesses must be a sponsor in either the Golf Tournament; Clay Shoot Tournament; and/or the Wednesday or Thursday Night After Hours Mixers in order to place team(s) in the tournaments. Teams are a separate cost from sponsorships; no sponsorships include team entries in the tournaments. |
M & M Energy
Energy Transfer
Tank Farm Service
Jensen Mixers International
JUNE 11, 2025
Sponsorship Deadline: MAY 16, 2025 to guarantee advertising avenues associated with sponsorships
Team Entry Deadline: JUNE 5, 2025
NEW IN 2025: NO SPONSORSHIP REQUIRED TO PLACE TEAMS IN TOURNAMENT - Any Oil & Gas Vendor Business or Pipeline Company may place teams in the tournament without being a sponsor of any of the portions of the Festival.
The Clay Shoot Tournament has 72 teams in three rounds on Thursday. Safety Trainings for the rounds start at 7 am, 10 am, and 1 pm. The Tournament is set-up at Snake Creek Sporting Clay Course, North of Cushing, OK, on Fairlawn Road. There are over $20,000 - $30,000 worth of raffle items: guns, custom-made knives, and other hunting equipment. Raffle tickets are purchased at the Clay Shoot tournament. Clay Shoot Tent Sponsors can have tents to cook breakfast and/or lunch at the tournament, talk to the shooters, and pass out swag. The shooters consist of the same line-up as the Golf Tournament: local employees from our participating Pipeline terminals, their corporate execs and their customers, and other Oil & Gas vendor sponsors. This is a fantastic opportunity to get in front of 148 of the team players and tell them more about your business. Oil & Gas Vendors DO NOT have to be a sponsor in order to place team(s) in the tournaments. This rule has been changed in 2025. However, Teams in the Clay shoot are a separate cost; no Clay Shoot sponsorships include the cost of placing a team in the tournament.
The Friday Night Private Party Trade Show has been discontinued; in 2025, we will be hosting After Hour Mixers on Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Golf Course, Buffalo Rock Golf & Venue, where Oil & Gas Vendor Businesses are welcome to sponsor a 10 x 10 booth space outside the clubhouse for these evenings and during the Golf Tournament.
The Friday Night has always been a type of “Company Picnic” for the participating Pipeline Companies to invite their customers, corporates, employees and employee families. Participating Pipeline companies start smoking their brisket for a KCBS Competition as well. Over the years, Oil and Gas Suppliers have been invited to join in on the event and make those valuable connections that are always needed to make business happen. This is where the "Trade Show" portion comes in. The Friday Night Private Party Trade Show (FNPP) has grown quite large over the last 8 - 10 years. It has morphed into a very outside-the-box, informal and laid back Trade Show/Expo, if you will, due to all of the supplier sponsors that have joined in on the FNPP. However, we have kept the tradition of the participating Pipeline Companies having their Company family picnics under their tents, as well as a Red Dirt Music Concert and a few rides and attractions; adding the supplier sponsor 10 x 10 tents adds another dimension of fun, laid-back networking with food, drink, great prizes and promotional swag from the Oil & Gas Supplier Sponsors. It adds another level of networking, where sponsors are also given the opportunity to meet some of your contacts in the participating Pipeline Industry families, making your connection even stronger.
The economic impact that Friday Night has on our community is immeasurable: It is off the charts. Cushing has grown by leaps and bounds by Oil & Gas supplier sponsors who have been involved with our BBQ n Blues Pipeline Appreciation/Oil & Gas Industry Trade Show Festival, making the right contacts during the festival, enough to open a brick and mortar office here in Cushing, OK. They get more contacts; and they get more contracts. Involvement is a great impact for the participating Pipeline Companies, as well. With their Corporate Office Execs and customers in attendance, it gives them a chance to meet and sometimes, catch up with their clients, customers, and suppliers, as well as make new contacts with those they meet at the Festival. This helps make great bonds and relationships in the Pipeline and Oil & Gas Industries, which we all know can be a tough environment for any type of business. It is a volatile and unsteady Industry, with highs and lows. But, with our Festival we try to help keep these business relationships strong between our Pipeline Companies and Oil and Gas suppliers.
For FNPP Trade Show, wristbands are required for entry. Wristbands are a part of the different level sponsorship benefits and are outlined on the sponsorship forms.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
5 pm - 9 pm
Cushing - Drumright Elks Lodge - 707 N. Norfolk Road Cushing, OK
Free Beer Ticket for first 100 attendees
Free Heavy Appetizers
Live Music - Charlie Hickman Band
Fantastic Networking for the Pipeline/Oil & Gas
Make plans to join us at our 2024 Festival After Hours Network Mixer, presented by Jensen Mixers International! This After Hours Network Mixer is open to everyone involved with our Golf Tournament and/or Clay Shoot Tournament, and shows our appreciation for our Pipeline terminals. This is a laid-back networking event.
Our Festival Committee, composed of a representative from each of our participating Pipeline Companies and our Chamber Member Oil & Gas business sponsors, voted to make this event the premier networking event for this year's Festival, to somewhat take the place of the Friday Night Private Party, for this year only. All you have to do is come and network. Be sure to bring your business cards!
THANK YOU to Jensen Mixers International for being our 2024 After Hours Network Mixer presenting sponsor this year; we appreciate you! Be sure to click their logo on the left to find out more about Jensen Mixers International!
So, after all of the bills are paid for the Tournaments and all of the other Festival events, what happens to the profits? Great Question!
Profits are split 50/50 with the Pipeline Crossroads of the World Scholarship Program and the Cushing Chamber of Commerce. The Pipeline Crossroads of the World Scholarship Program is open to the participating Pipeline company Employees' Senior Students in High school that will be continuing their education after graduation at a Trade School or College/University. This includes the participating Pipeline company Employees in each of the Pipeline Companies' regions. Whatever region the Cushing, OK Pipeline terminal is in, all of that region's employees for that Pipeline Company are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Each year, we give away up to 14 - $2,500 scholarships. If more than 14 students apply, a representative from each of the participating Pipeline Companies will blind judge the applications and choose the top 14 applications. In 2024, 9 students applied for a scholarship. Each will receive a scholarship that will be sent directly to the Trade School or College/University that they will be attending in the Fall of 2024. All applicants must have an immediate family member who is employed by one of the participating Pipeline companies and must be attending the Trade School or College/University in the Fall of the same year that they graduated High School. Any amount left over after scholarships are paid in full is placed into a CD, in case something happens to the Festival the scholarship program will continue for many years.
The other 50% of profits are split with the Cushing Chamber of Commerce. The Cushing Chamber of Commerce is a business membership Organization and we are not a division of the City Government; we are a 501(c)6 Non-Profit Organization, a business membership organization. We are a collective voice of the business community and a connector, convener, and champion for our business community. We specialize in being an advocate for pro-business policies; help businesses grow and thrive; offer many different programs associated with Business Development & trainings; Workforce development; Leadership Development; Youth Workforce & Leadership development; and much more. When Businesses are growing and adding to their workforce, it is in turn helping the community as a whole with a greater quality of life. Also, the business community has an outlet in the Chamber of Commerce to join together and be a strong, collective voice to advocate for their businesses. There are many other things that the Cushing Chamber does for the business community and the community as a whole; please check out our website to find out more! Please get educated on what your local Chamber of Commerce does and how Chambers help the business community and the community as a whole. For more information, please feel free to reach out to the Cushing Chamber President & CEO Tracy Caulfield, IOM.
Dustin (Ty) Collum - Premier Trading Transportation/DeeprockHenry Grant - DeeprockHagen Cundiff - NGLStatler Keith Ethridge - PlainsTy Herber - PlainsDylan Davidson - NGLHadley McIntyre - PlainsTrista Looper - PlainsLonnie Schuler III - Plains
So, whichever part of the Festival you participate in, know that you are doing something great for your business by participating in one of the best "Outside-The-Box" Trade Show around, built for your business to have fun, while making lasting business relationships with our local Pipeline Companies and other Oil and Gas Suppliers. In the Chamber World, we say to our Member businesses, based and proven by many Studies: "People do business with those that they KNOW, LIKE, & TRUST." Our Pipeline Appreciation/Oil & Gas Industry Trade Show Festival is built around that saying.